Dyspraxia Collective Introduction

Welcome to the Dyspraxia Collective

In the wake of the closure of the Dyspraxia Foundation, we’re dedicated to supporting individuals affected by dyspraxia.

Our mission is twofold: to keep the community informed with regular updates and to gather insights on what will be most impactful for the website.

Get Involved

Whether you’re a dyspraxic individual, a caregiver, a healthcare professional, researcher or simply an advocate for dyspraxia, there are many ways you can support our efforts. By sharing the updates and taking part in our questionnaires & surveys with the community you can help us make a difference.

Stay Informed

The purpose of the Dyspraxia Collective is to provide the community with the latest news, resources, and events related to dyspraxia while our team works hard for the plan ahead.

Together, We Can Make a Difference

By coming together as a community, we can ensure that dyspraxic individuals receive the support and resources they need to thrive. Join us in our journey to build a brighter future for everyone within the dyspraxia community.

The Dyspraxia Collective Team

Orange dyspraxia flowers

Key Focus

Diversity & Represenation

The Dyspraxia Collective champions diversity, inclusion, and representation at every level. Comprised of former Dyspraxia Foundation stakeholders, researchers, educators, and legal professionals, the majority of whom identify as dyspraxic or with other neurodevelopmental/Neurological conditions, our team brings a rich tapestry of experiences to the table. We’re dedicated to ensuring that our team reflects and supports the diverse community it serves.